Case Study
New FAST system on the A4 in France

The problem
It was in 2002 that the first fixed automated spray technology systems (FAST) were installed on the most ice-threatened sections of the A4 highway in France. After more than 15 years of continuous service, SANEF, the company managing the highway, commissioned Boschung to replace the existing installations with the latest technologies in a very demanding time frame.

The Boschung solution
As the Boschung FAST systems have proved their efficiency over many years on several sections of the A4 highway in France, SANEF's main objective was to replace the existing systems with the latest generation of spraying technology and in time before the beginning of winter. The new installations offer better coverage of the road surface with optimised spray patterns and more efficient nozzles.
“This first phase of renovation was indeed carried out within the desired time frame, but I would particularly like to highlight the way in which this work was carried out. Indeed, this project was carried out in a professional manner by the company Boschung, with a permanent concern, linked to strict compliance with safety instructions.”